Wednesday, October 1, 2008

There is a first time for everything

Well, after all this blog talk over the last several months, I am up and doing it myself! I believe this is another modern day version of communication in this tech world we live in. This is a first for me. I am primarily going to focus on my busines, and my customer experiences. But I also am going to explore my day to day observations within my own life. I hope you will find this blog to be educational, but also humorous in my points of view. I would love to hear any stories of how my blog relates to your own life or business.

Welcome to the future.


1 comment:

Anora McGaha said...

How about a quick summary of what your business is at the upper left hand corner of your blog. Let me know so I know whether or not I want to or need to click to your website.

I heard that on the internet, time is measured in dog years, accelerated, so it's all about saving your readers time and effort.

The "Greenberry" concept is good!