Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Two nights ago I attended a SBA (small business administration) class at Wake Tech Community College here in Raleigh. As a small business owner, I found it compelling to understand another financing option that exists in this challenging world of ours. There were 20-25 people in the class. Our class leader started into the program. There was a lot of information to swallow so I took out my Sprint World Blackberry to take a note which is an option that rests within the main menu of the device. Give it a title, type away, save it, and then go back to the office and sync it with Microsoft Outlook on your PC. The note can then be edited, and even e-mailed. This was a much cleaner way to manage this activity than using pen and paper, besides this is 2008.

The beauty of this is that I had no paper trail. I hear all this talk about being green. Well this was my way to jump in and contribute. I would much rather have all this info created electronically than have it on paper that I could lose, or misplace and would eventually shred and throw away anyway. With the market share of smartphones soring, this is a simple and effective tool that is available to all of us. If RIM wants a new tag line, how about Greenberry? Hey Microsoft, tips appreciated.

Welcome to the Future.


1 comment:

Anora McGaha said...

These examples of how you use technology are helpful. I like your writing style too.

I'm curious about the SBA class at Wake Tech. Thanks for mentioning it.