Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Even at Busch Gardens

I took my family up to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg VA. on Sunday. We love it there, it is 3 hours from our house, and really a great place to go for the day. The lines are relatively short, the weather was perfect, and they had their annual Hallowscreem event going on. Halloween rocks!! I could not help but notice that football was in the air. It was Sunday and there were jerseys being worn everywhere. I saw Cowboys, Ravens, and plenty of Redskin garb. But what I really noticed was how people were using their cell phones to catch up on games, scores, anything NFL.

You know it was not long ago that of you could choose a theme park over your house and TV, that you would never know what happened until you returned home. Now you can go online from your phone and stay up to date. So I joined the fun and I pulled out one of my Sprint phones, and powered on my NFL live application. I lived in Arizona for years and follow the Cardinals over the years. I literally followed play by play during the game (which AZ. thankfully scorched the Bills!) for one quarter while my wife and kids were on a ride and I was sitting with our youngest who was napping.

You just have to have a data plan on your phone. Most of the carriers have these sort of plans to add on. They range from $10 to $20 and are add on features that can be added or deleted without any contract extensions. The carriers are really banking on all of us adding these kind of services. As voice rate plans have plateaued, the carriers really need the data revenue to sustain profitability. But I have to admit, on this Sunday I was more than happy to be paying for this service.

Welcome to the future.


1 comment:

Anora McGaha said...

Good to see your analysis here about the cost of data plans and the reasons for it. Consider adding the feedjit free gadget/widget to your sidebar. It will give you at a glance views of people passing through.