Monday, October 6, 2008

Google Time

Today was one of the worst days on Wall Street I have ever seen. The DOW dipped 800 points and then rallied back to only a loss of 369. It finished under 10,000 for the first time in 4 years. There is widespread panic and fear, so much for the taxpayers bailout plan achieving results on Wall Street. Even Google dropped 4% today. This coming at a time when Google should be so excited about entering the wireless handset market. They have announced the launch of their G1 this month. The phone will be sold in T-Mobile stores in markets that T-Mobile has launched its 3G data network upgrade like Miami, LA, Houston, totalling 21 markets this fall.

The device will be accessible to other areas but it is formatted for higher data networks mentioned above. It will have a large touchscreen like the IPhone, but also have a trackball like the Blackberry with a slide out keyboard. It will not initially be setup for corporate e-mail functionality though so RIM and Windows Mobile smart phones and the IPhone still have quite an edge. Most 1st generation phones are not overly sophisticated though, there will be modifications coming.

But in an age of massive competition with the likes of Motorola, LG, Sanyo, Sansung to name a few, now we have Google jumping in. I wonder how long it will take them to pursue other carriers like Sprint or Verizon. T-mobile has its limitations just like IPhone does because it is exclusive to ATT. Microsoft and Yahoo are also investing heavily into the wireless handset market to slow this giant down.

Welcome to the Future


1 comment:

Anora McGaha said...

Mike, You could also write about the new google mobile on Get a free account and submit a story, with a link back to your blog. Ideally you'd write it fresh, so it's not the same word for word.

There's also GOLO and where you can post. If they don't have a link back link space, just write the blog address in the text.