Monday, March 29, 2010

CTIA Show Las Vegas 2010

Well, I am back from the show last week. It was a huge collection of people and technology in a city that is larger than life!

Google Android is a big hit. There are more Android devices hitting the market and in every size and shape. There was a new Sprint Android 3G/4G phone, and a new Nextel Android phone. There are over 20,000apps now for this platform.

Apps were the big thing again. Blackberry is even launching them left and right. Their entire booth was comprised of applications for business. go to to see them.

The US is leading the world in smartphone roll outs, mobile broadband infrastructure, app downloads, and also 3G/4G networks. It is evident that we are leading the world now in developing our wireless ecosystem. It does not hurt to have another $30 billion to invest towards those efforts this year alone.

The carrier competition to get to 4G is on. Sprint has WiMax, ATT and Verizon are developing LTE and T-Mobile is using HSPA plus network upgrade. It is becoming a data world where it is more important for us to browse, download, send pictures, and text than it is to make a phone call.

Welcome to the future.
